Bugs fixed since v2.5 GUI ------------------------- The 2 so far found dwarfx gui bugs have been fixed, these were the following: Sound Drawer wasn't saved in the config file (I'm sure it was in there when I programmed it....darn gremlins again) Friends that you didn't assign a message to (and tick the message box) wouldn't work properly, as there was a missing eol that should have been at the end of the line to move onto the next line, when you didn't opt to send your friend a message (well I thought everyone would send a message, so I wouldn't call it a bug as such!) Both these bugs should now be fixed :). If you know of any other bugs email either gazy@globalnet.co.uk or dwarfxbugs@nbsamiga.demon.co.uk Hope it didn't ruin anyone's day.... Dave --- Bugs reported: friends : wont save messages to friends wont save message type to friends XDCC : pack 2 doesnt show files in requestor, only dir's packs only allow one file, not more (wont save them)